Strings, Kansas!
In fall 2006, as Director of CRATEL (WSU’s Center for Research in Arts, Technology, Education, and Learning), I launched a new initiative called Strings, Kansas! A distance-learning-enhanced program, Strings, Kansas! connected WSU School of Music string students with 4th and 5th graders in communities without string programs.
Strings, Kansas! was based on a community learning model. As part of their own learning, WSU string students created, designed, and implemented the curriculum for the 4th and 5th graders. Interaction was facilitated through distance technology such as videoconferencing, blogging and email.
Sponsored by The Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall and by Kan-Ed, Strings, Kansas! was based on the premise that active communication between these Kansan communities and WSU’s thriving music community would provide inspiration and motivation to support music for youth throughout our state.